Speech Data Exploration

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Initial exploration of the dataset

Here we can get a first idea of what the dataset looks like and what values are represented. As can be seen the dataset consists of 354 speeches each being accompanied by the following columns:

  • ID

  • Speaker

  • Party

  • Location

  • Date

  • Name of the speech

  • Speech

There are no NULL values in our dataset.
The .sample() function gives a peak into the values of our dataset.

df = pd.read_csv('Code/speech_metadata.csv')
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 354 entries, 0 to 353
Data columns (total 7 columns):
 #   Column       Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------       --------------  ----- 
 0   id           354 non-null    object
 1   speaker      354 non-null    object
 2   party        354 non-null    object
 3   location     354 non-null    object
 4   date         354 non-null    object
 5   name speech  354 non-null    object
 6   speech       354 non-null    object
dtypes: object(7)
memory usage: 19.5+ KB
id speaker party location date name speech speech
count 354 354 354 354 354 354 354
unique 354 54 5 62 347 341 354
top Conservative_0 Paddy Ashdown Labour London 1998 Leader's speech, Brighton 1971 Thank you very much for that warm welcome. You...
freq 1 45 123 58 3 2 1
id speaker party location date name speech speech
178 Labour_178 Tony Blair Labour Blackpool 01/10/1996 Leader's speech, Blackpool 1996 Diana, friends, colleagues, this year we meet ...
13 Conservative_13 David Cameron Conservative Birmingham 01/10/2014 Leader's speech, Birmingham 2014 I am so proud to stand here today as Prime Min...
304 Conservative_312 Stanley Baldwin Conservative Blackpool 07/10/1932 Leader's speech, Blackpool 1932 Mr. Baldwin thanked Blackpool for the great we...
37 Conservative_37 David Cameron Conservative Shipley 28/05/2010 "Transforming the British economy: Coalition s... This is my first major speech as Prime Ministe...
132 Labour_132 Tony Blair Labour Bournemouth 28/09/1999 Leader's speech, Bournemouth 1999 Today at the frontier of the new Millennium I ...

Some exploratory queries & visualizations

Speech counts

Below we see some visualizations related to the amount of speeches in the dataset.

We can see from the first horizontal barplot that the Labour party and Conservative party have the most speeches in the dataset (around 120 each), followed by the Liberal Democrats and the Liberal party with around 65 and 45 speeches respectively. The SPD-Liberal Alliance has only a few speeches in the dataset.

NOTE: The Liberal party merged with the SPD-Liberal Alliance to form the Liberal Democrats in 1988.

The second horizontal barplot looks at the 10 speakers that gave the most amount of speeches.
Most of the speakers that have over 20 speeches appeared after 1988, which brings us to the final lineplot.

In the final lineplot we can see that most speeches appeared around the 90s up until the 2010s with a high peak around the 1995-2000 period.

#count speeches per party
#count speeches per speaker
#speeches per year
years = []
for date in df['date']:
df['year'] = years


This visualization looks at the cities which have been visited the by the parties.
A significant number of speeches for both the Labour and the Conservative party have been given in Blackpool.
This could be explained by the Winter Gardens which used to routinely host these political conferences.
Additionally, seaside towns like Brighton, Bournemouth and Blackpool, have been the hosts of UK-wide political conferences partly because of the cheap accomodation outside the holiday season.
More recently however, these events have been moved to more major cities which have purpose-built conference centres.

Therefore we can see that more major cities like London and Birmingham also have a fair share of speeches attributed to them.

Another interesting observation is that Birmingham has no Labour speeches whereas the Birmingham council has a majority of Labour councillers.

#location speeches per party
parties = df['party'].unique()
party_location_dic = {}
for party in parties:
    partyloc = df.loc[df['party'] == party]
    partyloc = partyloc['location'].value_counts()[:10]
    party_location_dic[party] = dict(partyloc)

dft = pd.DataFrame([(i,j,party_location_dic[i][j])\
                    for i in party_location_dic.keys()\
                    for j in party_location_dic[i].keys()], columns=["party", "city", "times visited"])
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,15))
ax = sns.barplot(x="times visited", y="city", hue="party" ,data=dft)
plt.legend(loc='lower right')

Sentence length

The visualizations below will give an overview of the length of the speeches per party.

Firstly we can observe the mean of the length of every speech per party.
Interestingly, the Labour and Conservative party have a similar average speech length.
Additionally, the SPD-Liberal Alliance seems to have a relatively short speech length, however, this could be explained by the low number of speeches in the dataset.
The Liberal party has the highest average speech length with Liberal Democrats having, comparatively speaking, a short average speech length.

Secondly, the lineplot visualizes the fluctuation of average speech length over the years.
We can see some dips and peaks in the lineplot which is indicative of some of the outliers in the dataset.
It is fair to say that most speeches range from around 15000 words to around 35000 words, which can be observed more clearly in the final part of this exploratory analysis.

#average length of speech per party
df['speech'] = df['speech'].fillna('').astype('string')
df['length_in_words'] = df['speech'].apply(len)
Conservative 26133.000000
Labour 26521.162602
Liberal 30570.622222
Liberal Democrat 21201.492308
SDP-Liberal Alliance 14022.000000
#average speech length per year

Boxplot with the length of speeches per party

In this boxplot we can see the differences between the length distribution per party.

At first glance, we can see from this boxplot that the greatest distinction is between Liberals and the other two parties.

  • The Conservative party’s ‘shortest’ speech has around 50 words and the ‘longest’ speech has around 47000 words.
    The majority of the speeches from the Conservative party have between 20000 (Q1) and 35000 words (Q3).

  • The Labour party’s ‘shortest’ speech has around 2000 words, whereas the ‘longest’ speech has over 51000 words.
    The majority of the speeches from the Labour party have between 15000 (Q1) and 35000 words (Q3).

  • The Liberal party’s ‘shortest’ speech has around 8000 words, whereas the ‘longest’ speech has around 55000 words.
    NOTE: Important to note here is that these speeches are outliers in the Liberal speeches.
    The majority of the speeches from the Liberals have between 25000 (Q1) and 35000 words (Q3).

df_three = df.loc[(df['party'] == 'Conservative') | (df['party']=='Labour') | (df['party']=='Liberal')]
print(df_three.loc[df_three['party'] == 'Conservative'].describe())
print(df_three.loc[df_three['party'] == 'Labour'].describe())
print(df_three.loc[df_three['party'] == 'Liberal'].describe())
count       118.000000
mean      26133.000000
std       10955.536236
min          56.000000
25%       20025.250000
50%       27488.000000
75%       34431.750000
max       47490.000000
count       123.000000
mean      26521.162602
std       12770.481760
min        2471.000000
25%       15515.000000
50%       29320.000000
75%       35934.000000
max       51549.000000
count        45.000000
mean      30570.622222
std        9148.845377
min        8051.000000
25%       25877.000000
50%       30924.000000
75%       35141.000000
max       54887.000000