Basic Scraper (TXT)

Basic Scraper (TXT)

This python based scraper will scrape British political speeches from political leaders in the UK from When fully run the scraper will output a directory with txt files of all the individual speeches held. These could be used for specific textual analyses.

import sys
import requests
import re
import os
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
# This function loads a webpage
def load_page(url):
    with requests.get(url) as f:
        page = f.text
    return page

Locate the speeches

Here we define two functions to first extract the hyperlinks from the speeches from the main content table of the archive using get_speech_data(), and secondly to download the speech texts on the specific speech pages linked in the content table using the get_speech() function.

def get_speech_data(url):
    speech_page = BeautifulSoup(load_page(url), 'lxml')  # Open the webpage 
    if not speech_page:                                            
        print('Something went wrong!', file=sys.stderr)
    data = []
    for row in speech_page.find_all('tr')[2:]:
        speech = row.find_all('td')[3] #Find the name of the every speech
        link = row.find('a').get('href') #Find the hyperlink for every speech
            'link': '' + link
        }) #Store the hyperlinks in 'data'
    return data
def get_speech(url):
    speech_page = BeautifulSoup(load_page(url), 'lxml')    #Open the speech webpage
    interesting_html = (speech_page.find(class_='speech-content').text.strip()
        .replace('\xa0\n', '').replace('\n','').replace('\x85','').replace('\u2011','')) #Find the full text of the speech
    skip_check = 'Owing to a copyright issue this speech has been removed.' #Check of this text is in the speech, otherwise this can be skipped
    if not interesting_html or skip_check in interesting_html: # or not speaker_html or not location_html don't really care about not finding these
        #print('Skipped - No information available for {}'.format(url), file=sys.stderr)
        return {}
    return {'speech' : interesting_html} #returns the full text of the speech

Scraping the Data

The following code will proceed to apply the previously made functions for scraping the desired data and writes the output in txt files in a newly created directory called “speeches”. This directory will be in the created wherever you stored this notebook.

index_url = ''         # Contains a list of speeches
list_speech_data = get_speech_data(index_url)                      # Get speeches with metadata
list_rows_to_remove = []
#print (" - - - - - " + str(len(list_speech_data)))

for count, row in enumerate(list_speech_data):
    #print('Scraping info on {}.'.format(row['name speech'])) # Might be useful for debugging
    url = row['link']
    speech_info = get_speech(url)                    # Get the speech, if available
    if speech_info == {}:
        for key, value in speech_info.items():
            row[key] = value                              # Add the new data to our dictionary
    #print('Scraped info on {}.'.format(row['name speech']) + '\t from {}.'.format(row['speakers']))

for d_elem in reversed(list_rows_to_remove): # Delete list rows in reverse to avoid errors
    #print("Speech missing - Deleted: " + str(d_elem))
    del list_speech_data[d_elem]

#print (" - - - - - " + str(len(list_speech_data)))
print('Done scraping!')
Done scraping!
path = "speeches/"
# Check whether the specified path exists or not
isExist = os.path.exists(path)

if not isExist:  
    # Create a new directory because it does not exist 
    print("The new directory is created!")

# Write the speeches in txt files with the id as file name
number = 1
for row in list_speech_data:
    filename = f'political_speech_{number}.txt'
    #filename = row['id']
    file1 = open(path + filename,"w")
    number += 1
    file1.close() #to change file access modes